While there’s a perception, today, that astrology is nonsense or woo-woo, our world elite still use astrology to favorably time their business startups, major developments, events, launches, brainstorming, etc.

If this has you thinking that maybe these people didn’t just get lucky and that maybe we can all create our own “luck”, I think you are correct.

I think we all come into this world with a certain set of lessons we want to learn, challenges to overcome, and opportunities we can grab. If you understand astrology, you can free yourself from bad habits, bad cycles, and learn to co-create your reality with the cosmos.

Your birth chart is your unique blueprint – it’s the way you’re wired. When you fully understand how you’re wired – and the unique challenges and opportunities that your wiring brings to your life – you can work with your beautiful blueprint of divine cosmic creation (rather than against it) to achieve your vision of success.


Moon Oracle